Telecommunications Opportunities Programme – Green Tips

The booming of ICT

"Since COVID-19 pandemic breaks out many people assert that “Pandemic has accelerated the development of IT technology”. In fact, not only IT but also ICT development is growing vigorously in spite of pandemic, which is only a trigger. Everyone in the world is witnessing the power of ICT. Web conference, online classroom, digital payment as well as live broadcasting are so common nowadays.

ICT stands for Information and Communications Technology. Information Technology emphasises encoding and decoding while Communications Technology is related to information dissemination. As science and technology are so advanced in this era the relationship between IT and CT are inseparable. ICT covers an extensive scope. In general, it includes three categories - Networking, Information Security and IT Services, i.e. software, hardware, cloud services and AI etc. The exact categorisation and implementation are different in various companies. Besides the traditional knowledge of IT, “ABCD” skills are tending to be valuable in the ICT industry. A is Artificial Intelligence (AI); B is Block chain; C is Cloud computing while D is Big Data. In face of pandemic, ABCD bring remarkable changes to the society and our daily lives.

Undoubtedly, the prospect of ICT industry is bright enough. So what are the actual job duties? And what qualifications should young people possess if they want to enter this field of work?

According to some HR staffs, ICT doesn't simply mean sitting in front of a computer all day long. It depends on the job requirements. For instance, staffs who're responsible for network and server will go to data centres to setup the servers personally. Those who love interpersonal communication as well as technology may consider project management or customer service related positions, which require IT related knowledge and the skill to communicate with customers.

Regarding academic qualifications and depending on job requirements, computer engineering and computer science graduates have definite advantage to be admitted. But don't feel disappointed even though you're not graduated from those subjects. ICT is a diversified and specialised industry. If you suit the job requirements and have relevant certificates or online courses qualifications you can also be a potential candidate.

ICT technology is changing rapidly. Young people who are ambitious to enter this industry must be willing to learn. Being open-minded and embracing new trends will make you stand out. Truly, keeping abreast of time is always the key to be successful in all industries!