Telecommunications Opportunities Programme (TOP) is the job-creation scheme dedicated to the telecommunications industry, commissioned by the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau (CEDB) and administered by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG), under the HKSAR Government’s Anti-epidemic Fund, with the aim of creating 12-month full-time jobs in the telecommunications sector for young people. TOP equips young people to be more competitive, as well as enhancing their employability and nurturing youth talents for the industry. Applications for TOP vacancy have been closed.

Applicants who joining TOP should:
- be a HKSAR resident of the age of 18 or above holding a valid Hong Kong Identity Card;
- be a holder of accredited certificates, diplomas, degrees obtained in programmes of post-secondary and tertiary institutes, or have relevant work experience in telecommunications industry;
- be a fresh graduate in 2020 or 2021 with no work experience, or has no more than five years’ work experience.

(in alphabetical order)